Great Plains Traditional Bow Company offers the most complete line of traditional bows available today. Since 1989 each bow has been handcrafted to the highest standards. From the selection of woods to the last coat of finish, each step in the process of building a Great Plains Bow is done with the greatest of care. We have spent many years developing our line of bows and we continue to add new designs to our lineup.
Bow Rework Clinic
Hands-on learning experience
Shane is offering to come and give you hands-on instruction for repairing and reworking your bow. We will come to you for a one day, eight-hour class. You provide a place, like a small shop, and we will provide the tools. Bring a bow that you would like to work on. Shane is looking for a minimum of ten participants per class. So, get a group together and give us a call.
Each participant will be charged $350.
We will charge $.50 per mile one way.
The available dates this year are:
April 26 October 11
May 24 November 8
June 21 December 6
September 13